Research Areas


Place-based social determinants of health. To understand how racism shapes health through place, I study place-based social determinants of health because there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between where people live and their life chances. In this area, I have examined housing discrimination, residential segregation, gentrification, housing affordability, and residential mobility. This work demonstrates that place-based racism influences where people can live and ultimately shapes health outcomes.

Critical Race Theory, Racism, and Population Health. One area of my work uses critical theories of race and racism to study patterns in population health. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a lens through which to examine and change the relationship between race, racism, and power. In this area, I have used CRT to explain the short-lived positive racial sentiment towards Black people on Twitter during Summer 2020. I have also detailed how CRT can enhance public health education, research, and practice. These publications provide conceptual and empirical guidance on how to incorporate the tenets of CRT into population health research.